The publication of this inaugural issue of the Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) coincides with a moment at which the term ‘artistic research’ has become ubiquitous. For some, this moment represents success, since, particularly in institutional environments, the production of objects, events or concepts is starting to lose its grip on the less tangible, intellectual and open-ended requirements of practice. For others this moment is viewed less favourably and represents an erosion of art’s perceived autonomy and efficacy.

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The Double Skin/Double Mind Interactive Installation

Bertha Bermudez, Scott deLahunta, Marijke Hoogenboom, Chris Ziegler, Frederic Bevilacqua, Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Barbara Meneses Gutierrez
The interactive installation Double Skin/ Double Mind is a virtual interactive version of the Double Skin/Double Mind workshop. This workshop, which has been taught by dance company Emio Greco | PC since 1996